Your Story is Worth It

Since I love to write, my daughter gave me a wonderful gift called Story Worth. I have been sorely lacking in keeping up with it the past few months. But now that I’m done taking time off from life, I’m getting back into it and have enjoyed writing quite a bit lately. The concept is, each week I am sent a question of her choosing and then I write about it. Normally, the answers are sent back and shared with just her, but today I wanted to share one with you since I think it’s a great idea for each of us to think about what we teach our youth and be conscious of the legacy we want to leave behind.

The question: What advice would you give your great-grandchildren?

My answer: I pray I am on this earth long enough to know my great-grandchildren! There are so many things I want to share with them! The first and foremost is the same advice my mom gave me; love and trust in God. It makes everything else in life more bearable. 

I want to tell my greats and grands and kids as well to just be yourself. It sounds so simple but it makes life so much easier. Don’t worry about being like everyone or anyone else.  Or being LIKED by everyone or anyone else, because no matter what you do, not everyone will like you. You are perfectly made even with every flaw you choose to see. You may think there are others prettier, more handsome, smarter or whatever else you want to plug in there and you will be right!! There will always be someone who is more than you in some way. But they aren’t you. There is no one else now or ever will be that is just like you. The world needs your uniqueness and nothing and no one can ever take your place. Your difference is what makes you special! Embrace your quirks and allow someone else to love them. Accept others for who they are and let them be themselves as well. That might mean finding out some people aren’t meant to be in your life, and that’s ok. It doesn’t make them the enemy.

Next, do the right thing/stand up for what is right, even if you stand alone. Even if everything else is taken from you, you will still have your integrity intact, and your integrity can take you far. As the saying goes, “a clear conscience makes for a soft pillow”.

Embrace your heritage/culture. It is who you are. Don’t let anyone tell you that where you come from is bad or makes you less than anyone else (or that you’re better or more deserving because of it either). Learn from your elders and practice traditions. Get to know other people’s cultures and traditions as well and you will both be richer for it.

Travel, often, or as much as you can even if it’s semi locally.  

Be forgiving of yourself and others. The burden of unforgiveness is one you carry alone. And it’s incredibly heavy.

Love. It really does cover a multitude of sins.

And as I was recently reminded by a friend and someone I admire, don’t take yourself too seriously.

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